Structure your tests using the Arrange-Act-Assert pattern
Arrange-Act-Assert is a standardised approach to writing tests that makes them easier to read and helps you avoid some bad practices.
Arrange-Act-Assert is a standardised approach to writing tests that makes them easier to read and helps you avoid some bad practices.
None, because tabs are better than spaces! Joking aside, it appears that the exact number doesn’t matter that much.
Developers often complain about technical debt, but how much does it really hurt the business? According to this study it’s *a lot*.
Let’s talk about architecture erosion, its causes and consequences, and how developers can identify and control it.
There aren’t many reasons why you should choose snake_case over camelCase, but the ones that are there are pretty convincing.
Does it matter whether you use camelCase or snake_case for identifiers? Yes it does! Probably. Maybe.
If you want to study the effect of something on the understability of code, you need a controlled experiment. What are things to do or avoid?
This study attempts to provide a more nuanced answer than “JavaScript”, from an educator’s perspective.
Relational databases are very good at storing tabular data, but what if you need to store arbitrarily-sized trees?
The Dutch have a lot of long words that aren’t in dictionaries. But that doesn’t necessarily mean they’re hard to read for Dutch people.
We are often told that variable names should be meaningful and avoid abbreviations, yet some variables are simply named “k”. What gives?
Numbers produced by technical debt tools tell a tale, but it’s largely fictional.
This study gives us a better understanding of the practical problems faced by developers when using regular expressions.
What happens when you let Java and C++ developers write Python code?
The answer is not “yes” or “no”, but somewhere in between. Who would’ve guessed?
Mutation testing is useful, but not many developers use it. What steps can we take to increase adoption?
Relational databases make it very easy to join data from different tables, but did you know you can also JOIN data within the same table?
Want to let number or rank your query results? Let your database do the hard work for you.
Refactoring code improves code maintainability, reusability, and other “ilities”, but does not speed up development – at least not at first.
A tutorial for people who keep forgetting how to run PHPUnit tests using PhpStorm.
Studies about programming often need to control for programming experience. What’s the best way to do that?
There’s a new way to measure the understandability of your source code and this time it actually seems to work reasonably well.
If you have your own blog and like the simplicity of Markdown, but don’t want to give up JSX, you may want to give MDX a try.
Why do developers find it so hard to review test code?