I went completely loco with some logos

I use many different tools for my drawings. I spent a lot of my time with PGF/TikZ for my thesis and the illustrations on this website are still made using Microsoft PowerPoint. I typically use PlantUML for software diagrams and a little bit of CSS for shits and giggles. Sometimes I try to use ASCII art, but that’s usually a bad idea.
In this article I present some of my older “work”: spoofs of well-known brands and organisations in the Netherlands, many of which were made using Microsoft Paint back I was still at in the early 2010s.
Obligatory disclaimer before you scroll down: I actually like most of these organisations. Except for Fox News, which can go die in a hole.

You won’t find any receding hairlines if you fly with China Southern Airlines, because they only seem to hire young people.

Amsterdam Airport Schiphol trying to be an actual shithole in 2022.

Malaysia Airlines: it’s not you, it’s MH.

There’s too much overhead in the Rijksoverheid.

United Airlines deplanes paying customers.

This is based on an older version of their logo.
Amsterdam Airport Schiphol used to be a pretty decent airport. Aside from the extremely obvious racial profiling that is.

The (now defunct) GVU used to operate the bus network in Utrecht, but was not particularly good at it during rush hour.

The STER is so insecure about itself that it needs to remind you of its existence at the start of every single commercial break.

This is based on an older version of their logo.
My first ever job interview was at Capgemini, who were looking for a senior developer. I was not a senior developer.

I’m not sure what Royal HaskoningDHV means when they say they want to “enhance” society together.

This is based on an older version of their logo.
KPN’s unofficial motto appears to be “The customer is always wrong”.

Cathay Pacific, I miss you.

I never know what to order at McDonald’s, because every menu item basically tastes the same.

EY employees smile like their lives depend on it, but I’ve never seen one laugh.

If you’re travelling with NS during weekends, there’s a pretty big chance that you’ll be taking a large detour or won’t reach your destination at all.

This is based on an older version of their logo.
I was at home, UPS. Just like the last eight hundred times.

Ziggo, not even once.

This is based on an older version of their logo.
Very few people know how to pronounce “Sogeti” correctli.

These energy prices are not cool, Eneco.

If you attended Harvard Business School you apparently have every right to act like an arrogant bitch.

When ProRail fails, NS gets the blame.

U-OV provides very reliable bus and tram services, except when it does not.