How I separate my private and professional online browsing
My work-life balance is practically non-existent, but at least my browsing is completely separated…
My work-life balance is practically non-existent, but at least my browsing is completely separated…
This week’s paper discusses the challenges of remotely onboarding new developers at Microsoft.
Why an ACM membership is totally worth the money, even if you’re not an academic.
You probably already know or even use planning poker. This paper tells you how well it works.
The reports of COCOMO’s death have been greatly exaggerated.
UML documentation makes maintenance easier, but ironically can also be hard to maintain. What practices should you follow or avoid?
Of course you use Scrum – everyone does! But…
Answers to all the questions you never had about teams.
Bottom line: don’t overdo it.
Change is good, especially for knowledge workers.
Many different types of waste can occur in software development. Here are nine of them.