The Toilet PaperCan a good philosophical contribution be made just by asking a question?Published 22 Oct 2023Written by Chun Fei Lung 🤔Back to top
Tiny catastrophes with apostrophesThis is a brief public service announcement for anyone who occasionally uses apostrophes or single quotes (or both).
Rendering text on a pixel gridFonts in macOS look different from text that’s been rendered in Windows, mostly due to different philosophies about font rendering.
Five things that are (not) made in JapanJapan is good at inventing things, but in these five cases it was actually just good at adopting things.
Best practices for infrastructure-as-code (IaC) scriptsThis week’s paper presents a catalogue of best practices for infrastructure as code programs.
Bad practices in continuous integration pipelines and processesThis catalogue of 79 bad smells can help you make your continuous integration processes less shitty.
Automating chaos experiments in productionThe people at Netflix tell you how they intentionally break things on production to test remote procedure calls.
A theory of Scrum team effectivenessHow can an organisation best support Scrum teams? This paper proposes and validates a theory for effective Scrum teams.
Should you upgrade official Docker Hub images in production environments?Docker makes it easy to upgrade applications in production environments in-place, but not without risk.
Easter eggs on Chuniversiteit.nlEaster is long gone, but that doesn’t mean everyone has found all the easter eggs on this website. Here’s a cheat sheet!